Connie Kline: An Insight into Her Age, Height, Early Life, Background, Family, Career, and Net WorthConnie Kline

Born on March 29, 1976, Connie Kline first gained notoriety as Jamie Foxx’s lover. Jamie Foxx is a well-known actor and singer. Because of their relationship, Connie gained notoriety, especially as the mother of Jamie Foxx’s daughter Corine, who was born on February 15, 1994. Connie had a calm existence prior to her friendship with Jamie Foxx, concentrating on her daily activities and work.

The spotlight on Connie intensified due to Jamie Foxx’s prominent status in Hollywood. However, despite the increased visibility, Connie remains grounded and values her privacy. She prefers to stay away from the glitz and glamor often linked with celebrity connections.

What sets Connie apart, now at the age of 47, is her commitment to living modestly and privately. Unlike the typical expectations surrounding individuals associated with celebrities, Connie prioritizes authenticity and leading a down-to-earth life. In a world enamored with fame, Connie stands firm in maintaining her sense of normalcy and genuineness.


NicknameJamie Foxx’s baby mama
Date of birth26 March 1969
Zodiac signAries
Baby daddyEric Marlon Bishop, known as Jamie Foxx
ProfessionRetired officer of the United States of America Air Force, Tax consultant, Accountant
Height5’7″ (170 cm)
Weight65 kg (143 lbs)
Hair colourBlack
Eye colourGray
Place of birthCalifornia, United States of America
Current residenceUnited States of America
Age54 years old (as of January 2024)

Connie Kline: Biography of Jamie Foxx’s Relationship Partner

Connie Kline, recognized as the former partner of Jamie Foxx, a prominent figure in American entertainment, emerged into public attention due to their relationship. She is also celebrated as the mother of Corinne Marie Bishop, who has pursued a successful career as an actress, following in her father’s footsteps. Connie was born on March 29th, 1969, in California, United States.

While Connie’s relationship with Jamie Foxx brought her into the spotlight, she maintains a level of secrecy regarding her early life and familial background. Consequently, little information about her parents and educational journey is available to the public eye.

Early Life

Connie Kline’s backstory is an essential part of understanding her journey. She entered the world on March 20, 1970, with a penchant for keeping a low profile. Though her early career remains somewhat of a mystery, there’s a notable chapter in her life where she served in the U.S. Air Force for five years. This period likely offered her stability, a steady paycheck, and important benefits, setting the stage for what was to come in her life.

The Initial Encounter: How Connie Kline and Jamie Foxx Crossed Paths

The precise details of Connie Kline and Jamie Foxx’s first encounter remain somewhat elusive, with no definitive narrative outlining their initial meeting. Their romantic journey commenced in January and concluded by June 1993, marking a brief yet intense chapter in their lives, despite assumptions that it may have lasted longer due to their daughter.

Information surrounding Jamie Foxx’s former partner, Connie Kline, gradually surfaced after a period of privacy. Their paths crossed in January 1993, but by June of the same year, their relationship encountered challenges that led to its conclusion.

Although their time together was fleeting, its impact resonated, particularly on their daughter, Corinne Foxx, born on February 15, 1994. While their love story may not have endured as a marathon, the enduring bond they share as co-parents stands as a testament to their enduring connection.

Are Connie Kline and Jamie Foxx Married?

Connie Kline and Jamie Foxx chose not to pursue marriage. Their romantic involvement lasted for five months, stretching from January to June 1993, leading to the birth of their daughter, Corinne, on February 15, 1994.

During a 2021 interview with E! News’ Daily Pop, Foxx delved into their co-parenting dynamics and their decision to eschew marriage. He shared insights into Corinne’s perspective, highlighting her early observations of societal expectations regarding marital status. Over time, however, she witnessed the complexities and challenges faced by many married couples.

Foxx emphasized that their choice not to wed didn’t create rifts but instead strengthened their familial bonds. Despite diverging from conventional marital norms, he underscored the depth of love within their family circle. According to him, their unconventional path has nurtured a resilient and loving family dynamic.

Jamie Foxx: The Proud Father of How Many Children?

Jamie Foxx cherishes the role of being a father to two daughters, who share a striking age gap of nearly two decades. His first daughter was born on February 15, 1994, in the vibrant city of Los Angeles, California. Later, in 2008, Jamie welcomed his second daughter, adding a sense of completeness to their beautiful family dynamic.

The Introduction of Connie Kline into Corinne Foxx’s Life in 1994

One of them is the February 15, 1994-born Los Angeles native Corinne Foxx, who is making a powerhouse comeback in her thirties with a tale straight out of a page-turning novel.
After her parents, Jamie Foxx and Connie Kline got divorced, assess what became of Jamie Foxx mom Connie Kline’s marital status/contentassist But an unexpected bombshell hits… Connie had another daughter! Sighted on a shopping trip in Simi Valley in 2016, this one is shrouded in mystery — Her identity, name, and father are all yet to be confirmed.

Shifting focus to Corinne, the more recognizable sibling, she is carving her own path in the entertainment industry. Despite being Jamie Foxx’s daughter, Corinne stands out as a talented model and actress, making significant strides in her career.

During her high school tenure at Sierra Canyon School, Corinne excelled as the cheerleading queen, even gracing the cover of American Cheerleader in 2011. Post-graduation, she pursued Public Relations at the University of Southern California while immersing herself in sorority life with Pi Beta Phi. Yet, her passion for the limelight led her to explore acting at prestigious institutions such as the Howard Fine Acting Studio and the American Academy of Dramatic Arts.

This preview of Corinne began when she was extremely young, as the entertainment industry was calling her name the day she made her TV debut at the ripe age of six on The Jamie Foxx Show. From there she so often joined Jamie on the red carpet, taking it in stride before formally becoming Miss Golden Globe in 2016—an accomplishment so reliably noteworthy. Aside from her acting skills, Corinne has established herself in the fashion world as well. With a flourishing CV with names like Kenneth Cole and Ralph Lauren, Houda managed to walk for high fashion runway shows including the 2014 Bal des débutantes and Kanye West’s Yeezy line back in the 20th addition of Paris Fashion Week

Corinne continues to shine on the silver screen, showcasing her talent in notable films such as Safety (2020) and 47 Metres Down: Uncaged (2019). Witness her captivating portrayal as Ruby in Dollface (2022) on the small screen.

Thus, we catch a glimpse into the extraordinary journey of Corinne Foxx, from high school cheerleader to a sensation in the glittering world of Hollywood.

Exploring Connie Kline’s Physical Attributes: Height and Weight

Connie, born on March 26, 1969, is currently 54 years old. Standing at an elegant height of 5 feet 7 inches (170 cm) and weighing 143 pounds (65 kg), she exudes timeless grace and poise. As of May 2022, her estimated assets surpass $100,000 in value.

The Birth of Corinne Foxx: Who is Her Mother?

Corinne Foxx‘s biological mother remains Connie Kline, a fact that endures despite her parents’ separation. Corinne openly expresses her admiration and gratitude for Connie’s strength and resilience. In a touching tribute, Corinne publicly acknowledges her mother’s profound influence, especially highlighting Connie’s service and inspiration on Veterans Day. Their enduring bond serves as a testament to Connie’s powerful and admirable maternal presence in Corinne’s life.

Corinne’s Tribute: Connie Kline Portrayed as a Hero

Connie Kline, despite her proximity to one of the entertainment industry’s most prominent figures, deliberately chooses a low-profile lifestyle, steering clear of the glitz and glamor. Reports from Distractify reveal her role as an accountant at CK Financial, showcasing her dedication to a profession far removed from the allure of showbiz.

A glimpse into her personal life can be gleaned from her Facebook profile, where she shares moments with her two daughters, Corinne and another unidentified child, along with snapshots of special occasions. Together, they embark on adventures, whether it’s exploring Irish waterfalls or cheering on the Dodgers at a baseball game.

Beyond her roles as a devoted mother and professional, Connie boasts a noteworthy background as a five-year veteran of the United States Air Force. In 2016, her daughter Corinne expressed heartfelt gratitude on Veterans Day, acknowledging Connie’s military service as a source of inspiration. In an Instagram post, Corinne lauded her mother’s courage, strength, and tenacity, highlighting her as a beacon of limitless potential for women. She expressed profound appreciation for Connie’s influence, pledging to contribute to a better, kinder, and stronger America, inspired by her mother’s example.

Following in Her Father’s Footsteps: Corinne Foxx’s Journey

While Connie Kline prefers a more laid-back approach, her daughter, Corinne Foxx, thrives in the limelight, especially alongside her famous father, Jamie Foxx. Corinne has been making waves as a model, strutting her stuff for big fashion names like Yeezy and Dolce & Gabbana. But she’s more than just a pretty face; you might have caught her in movies like “47 Meters Down: Uncaged” and the comedy series “Dollface.” Plus, she’s the co-host of the popular game show “Beat Shazam” with her dad.

Corinne and Jamie share a tight bond, not just personally but also professionally. They teamed up for Netflix’s “Dad Stop Embarrassing Me!” where Corinne showed off her creative genius by writing and producing the show inspired by her dad’s hilarious dad moments. Even though the show didn’t last long, Corinne has plenty more projects in the works.

But it’s not all about glitz and glam for Corinne; she’s passionate about using her platform for good. She collaborated with heavyweights like Hillary Clinton and Rosario Dawson on the 2022 documentary “Below the Belt,” shedding light on the struggles of women with endometriosis, a condition she deals with herself. When the documentary dropped, Jamie couldn’t help but express his pride in his daughter on Instagram. And let’s not forget, Corinne also co-hosts the mental health podcast “Am I Doing This Right?” She’s definitely one to keep an eye on!

Connie Kline’s Financial Standing

Connie Kline chooses to maintain privacy regarding her financial status, and as a result, there is no publicly available information about her net worth. However, her lifestyle suggests a certain level of affluence, likely attributed to her professional pursuits and association with a prominent figure in the entertainment industry.

Although Connie’s net worth remains undisclosed, her former partner, the renowned actor Jamie Foxx, reportedly boasts a net worth of around $170 million. Interestingly, Jamie has continued to provide support to Connie, even as their daughter has grown older. Reports indicate that he generously gifted her a Mercedes Benz and a spacious 5,000-square-foot estate in California, where she resides. This act underscores the enduring bond and support between them, showcasing the advantages of being connected to a celebrity in the entertainment industry.

Maintaining Privacy: Connie’s Approach to Social Media

Connie has skillfully prioritized privacy in her life. Through purposeful avoidance of cameras over the years, she has shown a strong dedication to keeping her personal matters away from the public eye. What’s intriguing is Connie’s choice to abstain from social media platforms, a decision aimed at safeguarding her personal privacy and staying off the digital radar.

Absence of Controversy: Connie Kline’s Clean Slate

Connie Kline stands out for her remarkable absence of rumors or controversies. Throughout her extensive career, she has skillfully steered clear of any involvement in scandalous or contentious matters. Connie’s unwavering dedication to maintaining a pristine image and a low-key presence is evident, showcasing her commitment to upholding a positive reputation in every aspect of her life.

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In Conclusion: Connie Kline’s Journey

Connie Kline, a woman characterized by strength and elegance, has forged a distinct path, diverging from the glitz and glamour often associated with celebrity associations. Born on March 29, 1976, she has led a life marked by adventure, serving in the US Air Force before transitioning to a career as a high school teacher and accountant. Despite her connection with the renowned actor Jamie Foxx, Connie cherishes her privacy and remains steadfast in living authentically. As the mother of Corinne Foxx, she prioritizes co-parenting and instills values of bravery and resilience in her daughters. Connie’s dedication to discretion and moderation shines through, distinguishing her in a world captivated by fame. While her net worth remains undisclosed, her lifestyle suggests prosperity, serving as a testament to the beauty found in humility and the strength of remaining true to oneself amidst the glare of the spotlight.